Monday, September 8, 2014

Columbus' Replica Ships Field Trip Opportunity

The Columbus Foundation is bringing the Nina and Pinta back to Arkansas beginning in October with a stop in Little Rock. They also have dates scheduled for Fort Smith and Memphis, TN. The Nina is the most historically accurate Columbus replica ship ever built!

My husband and I took our kids the last time the ships were in Little Rock in November 2011. The guys in charge do a great job educating the kids, adults too, during the tours. Awesome way to step back in history and experience what life might have been like on the expeditions.

This would be an awesome field trip for homeschool groups!

Check their website for exact dates, times and more info @

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Sunday School Lesson

I taught my first Sunday School lesson this morning and loved it! Three Pre-K girls and I talked about Isaac and how God had a plan for him. How Isaac obeyed and trusted God because he knew that God knows what's best. God is sovereign. Completely in control of everything. All we need to do is listen and trust Him.

Beyond thankful for this opportunity and excited as I begin this new journey. I know these kids will teach me just as much, if not more, than I will teach them.  I'm reminded of the saying, "if you don't teach children who God is, someone will teach them everything He isn't." I hope that above all things, they will see the light of Jesus shining through me.